
New updates and improvements to Smartlead

Make money from missed leads and bounces!


2 major automation updates were released for you today!


1) Automatically Re-Engage leads that received all your emails but did not reply


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Leads that receive all emails but have not replied are AUTOMATICALLY added to Re-engagement Subsequences.


A fantastic opportunity to re-sync with hot leads that may still be interested in purchasing your offering given you change your offer or messaging.


WARNING* To prevent yourself from getting blocked for spamming, make sure your DELAY for Re-engagement campaigns are AT LEAST 30 days!




2) Auto Push Bounced Leads to a Subsequence & run a retargeted Omni-channel campaign


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Why waste leads, just because they bounced.


If you've got access to their social media handles or phone numbers, this one step will let you create a campaign AUTOMATICALLY with all your campaigns bounced leads.


This subsequence can contain omnichannel steps, phonecalls or manual steps!